
Discover the Essential Energies & Power Gems that will support you now,
so you can create more of what really matters to you.

What is bodyfulness?

It’s the experience of fully embodied presence, in the moment and in the world.

It’s about being IN your body, not simply thinking about being in it. The practice of bodyfulness moves us beyond mindfulness and our obsession with the mind. It’s the practice of opening to instinctual knowing, using your whole body, not just your ‘mind’.

It’s that feeling of coming home to yourself, so you can feel at home wherever you are.

Becoming bodyful is also a metaphor for reconnecting to what really matters to YOU.

Click on the buttons below to begin your journey to more Bodyfulness.


More on Bodyfulness over on the blog

But you ARE your body. Here's why.

I’ve heard a few people comment lately, following a period of challenging illness, that in the end they discover they are not their bodies. They are something more transcendental, more unfettered and free. I always feel a visceral reaction to statements like this. Maybe it’s the Taurean archetype coming out… While I get what they are saying – we are a soul that lasts beyond the mortal flesh and so forth – to me there is something fundamentally wrong with this attitude. Think I’m being a materialist here? …. continue reading

See your life with fresh eyes. Discover the Essential Energies
 & specific Bodyfulness practices that will help you cultivate more of what you really want.
+ Learn all about the power gems that will support you on your mission!

“It is how we’re being, rather than what we’re doing, that changes everything. When we are at home in ourselves, we are at home in the world.”